Geek Prom and Costume Contest

GeekProm.Still001This year at Penguicon, we’ll be having a Timey Wimey prom! Come dressed in your finest formal wear (we’ve heard bow ties are cool) or choose a costume from anywhere in space and time and join the Costume Contest!

Our geek prom is a chance to get down with your peers instead of your classmates – we all know your peer just might be Optimus Prime.  Word on the street is that he’s got some mean moves.

Costume Contest and Hall Favorite

bx7u0028_sizedThis year, Penguicon’s Costume Contest is being run by N.U.E.T, the Nearly Useless Entertainment Team! You might know them as The Con Scouts, those causers of mayhem and shenanigans.

This year we are making the contest a little more informal.  This means no Muster, Paperwork, or Registration.  You simply show up during Geek Prom before the announcement and say you want to enter!  From there it is in the hands of our MC and N.U.E.T.!

Come down for some fun, dancing, and maybe enter for a chance to win some cool prizes.  Best of Show will receive a free membership to Penguicon 2016!

bx7u0210_sizedOur most exciting addition to our Costume Contest is the “Hall Favorite” award.  If you’d like to try cosplay but don’t want to get up in front of a large crowd to show off your costume, the the Hall Favorite is for you!

You can enter both the formal portion of the contest and Hall Favorite – you might win one or both!

N.U.E.T. will find people in costumes throughout the weekend and ask them to participate in the “Hall Favorite” portion of the contest. To do so, let them take a picture of you in your costume, and give them your name and info.  All the pictures will be posted in one location (either registration, ops, or the Greeters Desk), and all Penguicon attendees can cast a vote for their favorite costume!

The earlier you dress up, the more chance you give people to vote for you. Winners of Hall Favorite will be announced at closing ceremonies, and contacted later if they did not attend.

Join us for music, dancing, and fun at the Geek Prom, and let’s see some amazing costumes this year at Penguicon!